Saturday, September 10, 2011

6th Birthday Bash! (Roger and Aaron Double blowout)

Roger Encluna and Aaron Saarenas.



On September 10, 2011 (TODAY), Roger and Aaron celebrated their birthdays by treating us to Amicos. Just like Bonnie's Birthday, my friends and I went there. We were quite busy the whole Saturday due to Cheerdance Practice, so we had eaten at around 5PM. They ordered big Pizzas which were enough for all of us. They also invited our old classmates from third year prudence to join us in celebrating their birthdays. They also came in late due to the same reasons as ours.

And so we ate and ate and drank marmalade and drank and drank till our hearts content. We were oh-so satisfied with the food they had prepared. Although I was not able to prepare gifts, I hope this post would be enough for them because it indeed had become HISTORY in my third Year Heart.

Happy Birthday Aaron and Roger!


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