Tuesday, July 10, 2012

House of Moses: The Journey Begins

 So here's the thing. Our school felt it was really magical like Hogwarts and thus, we had the creation of the four houses. Yeah, although majority of the seniors hated the idea. And we really did want to write a letter to the principal stating our concerns on why we didn't like the idea. Yet, we had no other opportunity and chance but to proceed with the ways of the school. And as we were sorted by our teachers into the 4 different houses. I was sorted to the Moses' House (or for the more appropriate term, House of Moses.) So, our head moderator was Sir Nelly which was a plus for us.

Moving on, for the past two weeks since the house cup was officially started, we had already 2 incidents. First on July 5, 2012, where a third year student (girl) had a fight with her classmate. It deducted points for us and we were left at a huge disadvantage because our score was already -5.

Today, July 10, 2012, which was also my dear friend JP Bondoc's birthday, a 7Wisdom student (Tobet) almost had a fight with a member from the House of Noah. And up to this point, I have no confirmation IF we were deducted with another five points.

With the series of events that had just happened, I have reflected that our house is one heck of a house. I should really take good care of the people compromising this house. ANYWAYS, it doesn't matter if we might not win the House Cup by the end of the school year as long as we create a better bond between one another. AJA!

                                                             Below is our logo:

This is our T-Shirt design 
(For girls: 140PHP with print and shirt.
For Boys 170PHP with print and shirt)

And thus, our journey will continue on. Till where can we suffice and bear all the conflicts, problems and pains that we are bound to face in the future? AND SO, the Journey of Moses continues!


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